An Unforgettable Experience
On mother's day in this year, I had some problems, so I was so sad. I was going to my friend's house by my car. When I was driving a car, I was crying, so I couldn't pay attention to other cars. I had to turned left, but that was yield left turn. When green light appeared, I entered the intersection. Then yellow light appeared, so I turned left, but I didn't see forward cars. When I turned left, one car came to me fast. I thought that car will stop, but he didn't stop, and I didn't stop, too. We just drove. Finally, we bumped each other. I was so afraid because it was first time to me, and here is not my country. I cried again. I worried about other cars because they couldn't go to their way, so I moved back little bit, but people who watched the accident said me "Don't move, and call 911!" I didn't call 911, but they came to bring a person who is opposite side passenger. I think that person was fine, but suddenly she pretended that she hurt a lot because it was my false, so they wanted get some money. I took off from my car, and I saw that my car was broken. Soon policeman came. I was so afraid, so I couldn't understand what policeman said. Actually, he spoke so quickly. After arriving at home, I felt pain on my right leg, so I wanted to go to hospital, but nobody didn't care of me. I couldn't go to hospital, and I cried again in my room. During a month, I got huge stress. I had to pay to insurance company, so I had to get a part-time job, and insurance company called me very often. I scared at their calling. They sent me letters a lot almost every single day, and they said me it was your 100% false, and opposite driver hired an attorney to against me. I got a nightmare. It's an unforgettable experience to me.