An Unforgettable Experience
On mother's day in this year, I had some problems, so I was so sad. I was going to my friend's house by my car. When I was driving a car, I was crying, so I couldn't pay attention to other cars. I had to turned left, but that was yield left turn. When green light appeared, I entered the intersection. Then yellow light appeared, so I turned left, but I didn't see forward cars. When I turned left, one car came to me fast. I thought that car will stop, but he didn't stop, and I didn't stop, too. We just drove. Finally, we bumped each other. I was so afraid because it was first time to me, and here is not my country. I cried again. I worried about other cars because they couldn't go to their way, so I moved back little bit, but people who watched the accident said me "Don't move, and call 911!" I didn't call 911, but they came to bring a person who is opposite side passenger. I think that person was fine, but suddenly she pretended that she hurt a lot because it was my false, so they wanted get some money. I took off from my car, and I saw that my car was broken. Soon policeman came. I was so afraid, so I couldn't understand what policeman said. Actually, he spoke so quickly. After arriving at home, I felt pain on my right leg, so I wanted to go to hospital, but nobody didn't care of me. I couldn't go to hospital, and I cried again in my room. During a month, I got huge stress. I had to pay to insurance company, so I had to get a part-time job, and insurance company called me very often. I scared at their calling. They sent me letters a lot almost every single day, and they said me it was your 100% false, and opposite driver hired an attorney to against me. I got a nightmare. It's an unforgettable experience to me.
Sorry to hear that your accident story. But the bad thing is past already, so you are just waiting for good things which will come in the future. I almost understand all of your sentenses, but some sentenses I don't know who you tried to talk about. Also, I saw some error grammar which is "to turned". You should use verb form after word "to". Then you'd better use "told me" than "said me", and "I thought..." than "I think...". The last thing, you'd better not use a lot of compound sentenses conneted together. However, your paraghaph is interesting.
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